Beating The Weight Loss Bandits

Beating The Weight Loss Bandits

If you're on a weight loss program you're under constant attack - attack from the food bandits all around you.
There is food waiting to ambush your weight loss efforts at every turn.
It's there on every street corner: available, fast, in huge portions and full of fat.
It's there at every checkout: convenient, brightly-packaged and calling "Eat me! Eat me!" It's there at work for every occasion: birthdays, promotions, leaving parties, "because it's Friday". It's there at home brought to you larger than life on every TV set, seductively advertised, calling from the fridge and pantry "I'm here! Come and get me! You know you want to!" Given that the food bandits are out there, what can you do about them?
Be ready to defend yourself!
Know your weak spots ' those food temptations you find hard to resist, and plan to
Avoid them as much as you can. Don't drive past fast food outlets even if it means a detour. Keep tempting high-fat snacks out of your home. Give TV ads a wide berth ' in fact give TV a miss altogether and get out and do something. Walk away from offers of food, declining as politely and firmly as possible. "No thanks, I'm not hungry just now" should be enough.
Treat your encounter with food bandits with a sense of fun. Make a note in your mind that you've spotted one "Alert! Food bandit on left flank. Eyes right! Defeat!"
If you succumb once in a while to the food bandits, don't let it get you down. Brush yourself down and be ready to come out fighting against the next lot.
Be delighted each time you spot and overcome a food bandit. Feel proud that you were able to show who's in charge. You're the boss!
Once you recognise the food bandits for what they are, they lose their power. Each time you take them on and defeat them, you'll notice their influence over you diminish.
Gradually you get into the habit of ignoring the bandits. Long term result ' a slimmer, healthier, beautiful you, in total control of the food you eat.
Janice is the publisher of a monthly newsletter "Think Slim" full of information on losing weight and keeping it off. See her website

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